Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 08:46:20 +0100 To: frank guerrero From: net_CALLBOY Subject: Re: IMPORTANT : i like hot potatoeeees! Cc:, James M Baumgartner , Bcc:, X-Attachments: Dear Hans: dear frank hope the videotape format suits your needs, its pal DV; let me know when you have seen it; if itZ ok! THANK YOU FOR THIS OFFER! i am highly interested in this buying opportunity! [please send me a url where we can check out the content of the site.. on i only find a cgi-bin dir..] we should arrange domain-name transfer and server- hosting transfer asap. my offer for the domain would be EURO 1.-- [which equals usd 1.--], although the value should be estimated at about austrian rupia, the hosting of the web-site on our server-farm would for free. i am just checking with my lawyers regarding the legal side effects. due to my american passport i have to be personally thoughtfull.. but we will find a nice and easy solution.. will call you/mail you within 24hours with a solution for that [might quick-found a small foundation/ association or some legal body]. please have James Baumgartner pre-arrange the terms of handing-over the domain [this is quite complex, you need to contact domain registrar and find out how to technically do the transfer within a short period of time]; i would also absolutely like to retain mr. j. baumgarnters services to help run! ok, let me know about domain-transfer.. i will contact you asap regarding name, address for the domain-owner/admin/tech-contact, and the server- ip and ftp-access to where the domain and the docs should be transfered; greetZ from the offshore-austria hans_extrem/etoy.HANS Thank you very much for the videotape- it came in the mail- we are looking forward to seeing it! now- we have a SPECTACULAR.EMERGENCY offer for you. How would you like to be the proud owner of, an impressive new e-business ( which, by the way, is being listed as project VOTE on the rtmark site.) here is some recent press on the business:,1283,38229,00.html as you can see, it is thriving- however, there is some trouble brewing for proprietor James Baumgartner- see below: >>Just got a call from Douglas Kellner at (212) 889-2121 NYC Election Commission, who basically said "What, are you nuts?" He told me that the NYC DA is looking into it as well as the State Board of Elections. He told me that this is highly illegal and that they are not treating this as a joke. He said he wanted to talk to me before he "went nuts on it". He informed me that there are two crimes included in the NYS constitution: and one is selling votes. He also said that numerous provisions of the election law were involved and that these were felony offenses. He said that the site would be shut down and that subpeonas would be issued unless we did something fairly quickly. anyway, bad people are threatening to throw innocent entrepreneur James in jail for his activities. For hinm, thats a problem, but for you, AN OPPORTUNITY! If you can purchase from James, it moves the operation offshore, so to speak. Its then a question of international law, and it turns the page to the next chapter of the saga, which otherwise could be stopped dead in the water. I am sure Mr. Baumgartner could work out a favorable price. He has 200 Voters who have registered in the past 24 Hours! This could be a really thriving business soon! I'll bet he'll sell it to you for say, a few hundred thousand rupees, or dollars, or ATS. You could even retain his services to help run, thats how good a deal it could be! This could mean talking to a few reporters... other than that, working out a business transaction quickly to buy the domain and site from him.... so what do you say, are you up for a game of "hot potato"? please let us know asap- this opportunity is very, very timely! THANKS! Frank